Curatorial affairs by Maria Tabet, Kimberly Fabbri, Sophie Cloherty, and Mateusz Pospiech
This anthology is a fundraiser for Ukrainian humanitarian aid. 100% of profits will be donated to humanitarian aid charities by Culturally Arts Collective.
The Mutagens is a 118-page anthology of art, poetry, and writings created by the people, for the people. Curated and gathered by Culturally Arts Collective. A world full of injustice and fear gave birth to original paintings, poems, and writing, 37 authors take us on a journey through their worlds in which they stand up against the inflicting pain caused by others through the trauma ingrained in the war zones of memories of it. Artists coming from over 12 different countries share their perspectives through the best medium of expression available -- their souls themselves, wrapped in an art piece that came through in this collection. The voice of people gives us hope in its rawest form, showing that we, humans, can survive any threat to our own existence and despite our differences we will come united and stronger to overcome anything we need.
Featured artists:Judit Malina, Michel Doumit, Razvan Anton, Tetiana Osadchuk, Brut Corniollus, Irina safronova, Hadi Boustany, Ana Maria Guta, Bèla Balog, Hannah Nigro, Dzovig Arnelian, Kimberly Fabbri, Mateusz Pospiech, Polina Welscher, Victoria, Ziad Dib Jreige, Marco Milic, Mary Kaady, Moushegh Karavartanian, Todd Sullivan, Elise Zakhour, Maksim Shishov, Polina Shagin, Savion Barnes, Simon Berson, Ipung Purnomo, Kasra Karimi, Dèdè, Vincenzo Cohen, Hagen Klennert, Adam Starr, Benna Gaean Maris, Lynn Osman, Maria Eurydice Ventourie, Nicholas Navidi, D.E. Stewart.
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"The Mutagens" Anthology Project

to help cover printing costs to increase profits donated. CAC is a 501(c)(3) NGO, and donations within the US are tax deductible. Donations are accepted internationally.