The Egg
Alexa Pouzar
Dallas, Texas


Alexa Pouzar was born and raised in Dallas, TX. Developing a love for photography as a child, this fascination grew into questioning how a medium that captures reality can be used to explore time. She currently explores time by condensing change into a single scene and looks at memory through repeated colors, pattern, and texture within the current reality. She graduated the University of North Texas, College of Visual Art and Design with a BFA in photography and minor in art history in May 2024.
Time is a curious thing. Our experiences shape who we become, and a single moment can forever change a person, sometimes without them even realizing what occurred. This series reflects on my memories growing up in an isolated house through the use of an egg. Eggs have strong symbolisms with creation and life. It is most commonly a symbol in Catholicism around Easter, acting as a symbol of the resurgence of life through the resurrection of Jesus. Taking this symbol of creation – in other words, possibility – and breaking it transforms it into something cold and unfamiliar, a symbolism I find myself reaching for when exploring my childhood memories. The kitchen table was set every single day: clean tablecloth, clean placemats, a centerpiece of flowers. However, the table was not eaten at. We stopped eating together as a household while I was very young. In an attempt to change this, I taught myself how to cook, with the first try being eggs, however nothing changed. This series takes an egg and turns it from something delicate and beautiful into something broken and disgusting. It illustrates how easy it is to destroy rather than repair.