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Hanbell Gallery

Works Available
Abstract Time Tablets

Artist: Ekaterina Kuzmina

Based in Saint - Petersburg, Russia

The artworks are done in the artist favorite style - symbolism. Each viewer can see something of their own in them

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Apple constellation, 90 x 70cm, oil on canvas

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Affection blinds the reason, 120 x 80cm, oil on canvas

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Captured by anxiety, 70 x 90cm, oil on canvas

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Lullaby to Saturn, 120 x 80 cm, oil on canvas

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Abstract Time Tablets

The delicate balance of reasons, 70 x 90cm, oil on canvas

Jack of all trades, 90 x 60cm, oil on canvas

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Gamayun speaks, 120 x 80cm, oil and tempera on canvas

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Your own personal space, 75 x 95cm, oil on canvas

Warryor's way, 80 x 60cm, oil on canvas

About the 


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J.B.Portrait - John Boudreau.jpg

Artist: John Boudreau

Based in Los Angeles, USA

Instagram: @johnboudreauartist

Commissions accepted

John is an artist living in Los Angeles who had a degree in Fine Art from Pratt Institute and has studied art at other schools in New York City. He assists other with mental health challenges to elevate their moods by creating art and to learn new skills. His genre's of painting include abstract and symbolic painting. His art has been in fundraisers and and some exhibitions to raise awareness on global issues. John is an an award winning published artist.

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Day and night, 140 x 50cm, oil on canvas

About the 


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Artist: Ekaterina Kuzmina

Based in Saint - Petersburg, Russia

Instagram: @katlovepaint

I am open to collaborations.

Ekaterina Kuzmina is a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, member of the Eurasian Art Union, permanent participant of exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Her favorite direction in painting - symbolism.

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