Current Exhibitions > Milostka Center for Exhibitions > On Our Lands

Artistic Production and Indigenous Rights
Featuring 21 Artists From Around the World
Artistic Production and Indigenous Rights
Featured Artists:
Alvaro Tzaj, Anthony Mulcue, Baggio Ardon, Bukbisj Candra Ismeth Bey, Dignidad Rebelde, Genilson Guajajara, Isaac Murdoch, Jaguatirika, James Harry, Jetsonorama, Jose Flores Chamale, Kathy S. "WhiteBear" Copsey , Laura Arena, Marley Morgan, Mau, Moe Butterfly, Nina Likes Butts, Patrick Belem, Paula Camacho, Uriel Montúfar, and Wayne Quilliam.
August 31th, 2022 - October 12th, 2022
Colonizers and settlers have inflicted significant damage on Indigenous communities by dispossessing them of their lands and restricting their rights. They face numerous forms of oppression and discrimination, including degrading cultures and unstable economics.
Associated with many other social issues such as climate change, the permanent neglect of Indigenous rights resulted in the exclusion and marginalization of those communities. From the Amazon rainforest to aboriginal communities in Australia, currently, we estimate that 50 million Indigenous live in or depend on tropical rainforests. In fact, for centuries, Indigenous communities have stood as models of resistance against western policies, using their ancestral knowledge to protect their lands and natural resources.
"On our Lands: Artistic Production and Indigenous Rights" is a project to share a safe space with Indigenous artists; to resist, claim their rights, celebrate their unique identities, and raise awareness about their histories.
Emma McMullin, Director of Curatorial Affairs; Rocio Montiel, Chief Curator; Ana Catarina Bizarro, Senior Curator; Kimberly Fabbri, Senior Curator; Anwar Mohammad, Lead Associate Curator, Uzomah Ugwu, Associate Curator; Tumiso Dolamo, Apprentice Curator; Tatsuya Hondo, Apprentice Curator.
Corporate Giving: To sponsor "On Our Lands" via a personalized corporate, foundation, or individual sponsorship package, please visit
DONATE to help keep our exhibition open calls FREE to provide emerging artists accessible exhibition opportunities!
With your donation of as little as $3, the price of coffee, you can ensure our next cohort of 30 artists get free open call submissions and On our Lands exhibition remains free for public viewing! Donate any amount one-time or become a recurring monthly donor of any amount.
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About Indigenous Rights Activism, Decolonization, and Ancestral Heritage
For a full interview, click on each artist's name.
Eskawatã Kayawai - The Spirit of Transformation
Activist Artist
Instagram @jaguatirikapintora and @abyayalese
Based in Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
"Through my paintings, I manage to spread urgent news, such as invasions of territories, threats, persecution, and assassinations of leaders, invasions by mining, and mercury contamination of the Yanomami and Munduruku indigenous peoples. Through art, I manage to promote these complaints and the struggle agendas and demands of the indigenous movement, such as our trips to the country's capital to fight for the demarcation of our lands and nature."
Activist Artist
Instagram @sangre_indigena_art
Based in United States
"Through my art, I resist colonization and revive my indigenous heritage and identity which has long been in a 500-year battle for survival. I have been on the journey of reconnecting with my roots. Therefore Indigenous history, wisdom, and culture have become the main inspiration behind my work and I express it in every piece I create. This knowledge not only guides my artwork but also the different aspects of my own personal life (spirituality, Identity)."
Photographer and Filmmaker
Instagram @ptrckblm @eskawatafilm
After 5 years of work, Lara Jacoski and Patrick Belem finished a feature film on the Huni Kuin from the Humaitá river about their story and their cultural rising. Directed and shot by both filmmakers, this documentary it’s “recalling the trajectory of periods of slavery and oppression, which led to the loss of their own identity as an indigenous people, the film focus on their cultural and spiritual resumption, shared and narrated by themselves.” In this interview, Patrick Belem, explain many of the choices in this documentary, his opinion about decolonization, indigenous rights, and many other questions.
Instagram @nativecutieclaire
Based in Many Farms, Navajo Nation, United States
"I am from the Navajo Nation and am studying environmental science. I am also an indigenous activist in the making, and I have been working with the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and indigenous tribes on air and water pollution. My art is a reflection of my ancestors and my home land, the Navajo Nation."

Chip Thomas "what we do to the mountain, we do to ourselves”, 2011