Galería Hanbell
Spirit Of Folklore
Artist: Sarathi Thamodaran
Based in Tamilnadu, India
Folklore in every society reflects the soul and belief systems handed down through generations. In Tamilnadu, most folklore is associated with marginalized class or community people, but the land somehow has always been overwhelming with folklore and many forms and rituals. Extensions of their faith and belief systems the people express their emotions, experiences, and angst through various theatrical forms and rituals, worships. These expressions in turn become the reflections or mirror to their individual thoughts and folk tradition of each community. In Folk traditions the individuals transform themselves to superhuman: exhibiting omnipotence or transforming themselves to gods and goddesses. This is created by several methods like masks, painted faces, or to hide one's body with clay or dressing up with layers of jute etc. This belief of transforming oneself into a daunting or revolting character strikes an immediate dialogue with the viewer and the huge gatherings involved.

Sobre el

Artista: Susanne Tabet
Con sede en Virginia, EE. UU.
Instagram: @
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Susanne Tabet es una pintora abstracta contemporánea alemana que vive y trabaja en Falls Church, Virginia. Autodidacta, comenzó a pintar cuando tenía poco más de veinte años cuando una visita a la Tate Modern de Londres encendió su deseo de reproducir los distintos retratos abstractos femeninos de Amedeo Modigliani. Continuó estudiando y explorando las obras de otros grandes maestros en el ámbito del expresionismo abstracto y, a lo largo de los años, desarrolló y desarrolló sus habilidades y su estilo personal distintivo. Su enfoque permanece en la forma femenina a la que da vida con colores contrastantes y pinceladas atrevidas y enérgicas. Sus retratos rebosan fuerza y vulnerabilidad. En opinión de Susanne Tabet, un reflejo de la complejidad, la belleza y el poder de una mujer.