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Galería Hanbell


Solitary Sensation

Artist: Anirban Mishra

Based in Tamluk, India

In the present society, everything is surrounded by vibrance and jubilance, and everyone indulges in this apparently busy lifestyle. But actually at the end of every day every human being is somehow lonely, in spite of being amidst a busy daily schedule. This loneliness mixed with nature’s beauty is the idea of my painting. Something which is missing in nature, something which has created a decline in the society, something that is called loneliness in human life - these are the things I try to find in my creations. In some place presence of one person, absence of human life amidst pleasant natural beauty, using human as a symbol, although its presence is not there - these are few of my ways for expressing loneliness.

Again the absence of humanity and emotions in the present industrial world is another way for expressing my loneliness. Apart from these, I have also intended to invent certain innovative and expressive ways. In my still life studies I have tried to create an effect of light and darkness, trying to bring up the inner character of the different non-living objects. I have applied colours and the effect of light in a flat tone, which has led to something unusual in my work.

Monday Afternoon.png

Monday Afternoon

Persistence of Silence.png

Persistence of Silence

The Brown land.png

The Brown Land


In my garden.png

In my garden

Home alone.png

Home Alone

Curious colleagues.png

Curious Colleagues

Brown rain.png

Brown Rain

Unbearable moments.png

Unbearable Moments

The expressive algorithm.png

The Expressive Algorithm

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photo - Anirban Mishra.JPG

Artista: Susanne Tabet

Con sede en Virginia, EE. UU.

Instagram: @

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Susanne Tabet es una pintora abstracta contemporánea alemana que vive y trabaja en Falls Church, Virginia. Autodidacta, comenzó a pintar cuando tenía poco más de veinte años cuando una visita a la Tate Modern de Londres encendió su deseo de reproducir los distintos retratos abstractos femeninos de Amedeo Modigliani. Continuó estudiando y explorando las obras de otros grandes maestros en el ámbito del expresionismo abstracto y, a lo largo de los años, desarrolló y desarrolló sus habilidades y su estilo personal distintivo. Su enfoque permanece en la forma femenina a la que da vida con colores contrastantes y pinceladas atrevidas y enérgicas. Sus retratos rebosan fuerza y vulnerabilidad. En opinión de Susanne Tabet, un reflejo de la complejidad, la belleza y el poder de una mujer.

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