Galería Hanbell
Mono No Aware
Artist: Laura Prochilo
Based in Skagaströnd, Iceland
There are many different English interpretations of the phrase “Mono No Aware.” It is a Japanese idiom whose literal translation is “The pathos of things.” More often, it is used to express sensitivity to the impermanence of nature, a sweet sadness of the awareness of time’s passage. It is an idea that embraces the fact that no condition is permanent: that every moment we exist, we are in a current state of flux. The fact that nothing lasts, that each second is but only a drop in a vast ocean of time, creates in human beings a mysterious melancholy. It heightens our appreciation of beauty in the moment, for we are aware that it cannot last. This project is inspired by time—more specifically, the mysterious fleeting nature of it. It is an element that has complete control over our lives, though no one can quite say what it is or where it comes from. Furthermore, no one knows where it goes or why it is a constantly fluid, ongoing process. From the moment we wake up in the morning until we rest our heads at night, we are at the mercy of the clock. We check it as we get ready to go out, as we eat our meals, on the streets and in our home.
In Style
In Transit
In Flight
In Time
In Reverie
In Season
In Dreams
In The End
In Vain
In Silence
Sobre el
Artista: Susanne Tabet
Con sede en Virginia, EE. UU.
Instagram: @
Estoy abierto a colaboraciones.
Susanne Tabet es una pintora abstracta contemporánea alemana que vive y trabaja en Falls Church, Virginia. Autodidacta, comenzó a pintar cuando tenía poco más de veinte años cuando una visita a la Tate Modern de Londres encendió su deseo de reproducir los distintos retratos abstractos femeninos de Amedeo Modigliani. Continuó estudiando y explorando las obras de otros grandes maestros en el ámbito del expresionismo abstracto y, a lo largo de los años, desarrolló y desarrolló sus habilidades y su estilo personal distintivo. Su enfoque permanece en la forma femenina a la que da vida con colores contrastantes y pinceladas atrevidas y enérgicas. Sus retratos rebosan fuerza y vulnerabilidad. En opinión de Susanne Tabet, un reflejo de la complejidad, la belleza y el poder de una mujer.