Don't Know How You Do
Tafy LaPlanche
Savannah, GA


Afro-Latina artist Tafy LaPlanche paints unique and vibrant portraits for unique and vibrant people! Originally from New York City, Tafy now makes her home in Savannah, Georgia. At thirteen, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She was one of the older patients and did not have priority over the Nintendo 64. Tafy was given paper and a pen instead. Her days at the hospital were filled with drawing people as they passed by her room. This prompted her mother to put her in an art school. However, she was placed in a school that only spoke Mandarin! There she learned to draw portraits and paint landscapes. Despite the language barrier, she realized art was a universal language. As someone of Haitian descent, there was interest in her art skills and creating landscapes from Haiti. Despite her skills in painting landscapes, the pressure to be someone slowly made her dislike it. During pre-college, she studied abroad in Tuscany for a change of scenery. It was here when she had her canvas and paints out, overlooking a stunning landscape, when the sound of buzzing surrounded her. Moments later she realized she had been stung by a bee because she couldn’t see out of one eye. SHE WAS ALLERGIC! Her eyelid blew up. An old Italian woman came to the hill where Tafy was and offered to come to her home to remedy the bee sting. She placed an onion over her eye. Naive and hopeful she followed. As she watched the woman interact with her family and move about her daily tasks, Tafy realized her passion for telling people’s stories through portraiture. By creating portraits, she can convey an entire story about someone without saying a word. And to connect despite where we come from. Tafy has been featured in galleries across the US and has had a solo show at the Telfair Museums.
Born and raised in NYC, Tafy was inspired by the rhythm and heart of the city. Its people create such wonderful colors and stories. Igniting her passion to showcase that in her work. As a result, she developed an interest in other cultures and heritages and how one connected with them. Traveling and meeting people from all walks of life and sharing their stories through her portraits. Being both Puerto Rican and Haitian, throughout her life people always tried to place Tafy in a box of one or the other. With her portraits, she portrays unique individuals who embrace their cultures and their identities. Using a range of mediums including charcoal, graphite, oil, and acrylic paint. She places her portraits against graphic vibrant patterns inspired by murals she grew up around in Spanish Harlem. With her practice, she enjoys getting to know the subject behind the portrait. Using their energy and their experiences to come up with a background that relates to them. But, embodying their emotion in their portrait to connect with the viewers. Through her art, she celebrates the beauty of dual identity and how it can be an asset instead of a burden. Her goal is to inspire others to embrace their full identity and be proud of who they are.