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Jesica Frustaci

Born 1st July 1984, City of Buenos Aires. I studied Anthropological Sciences at University of Buenos Aires. I am a self taught artist specialized in abstract, geometric and conceptual art. I practice art therapy as a type of healing.

Artist: Jesica Frustaci

Based in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina



Culturally Arts Collective features:

"Broken Mirrors", June 10 - July 22 2022, Milostka Center for Exhibitions 

What do you aim to say by the themes in your art?
What I tell in my work is my experience of pain after having abandoned my previous career because of the harassment of my colleagues. That harassment was moral and sexual. That experience changed me a lot since I began to suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. I started painting on the recommendation of my therapist. My works speak of my years of suffering. They also talk about my recovery as a person and as a woman. My artworks speak about my faith, which also helped me in this process.
Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from faith, the beauty, and dignity of women, of nature, from art itself.
Do you have experiences that impacted your art?
As I said in point 1, having suffered moral and sexual harassment impacted my mind in such a way that it is what I reflect in my art.
Do you feel your art challenges existing barriers?
Yes, I feel that my art defies a barrier, that of silence. Victims of bullying or harassment feel ashamed and guilty about what happened to them and often can't talk about it. Art can talk about bullying. Art can make people see it and recognize it.
What are your long-term artistic goals? 
My long-term goals are: first of all, that people can learn about the experiences of harassed people through art. Art can combat bullying by making it visible. Second, gain more knowledge and acquire more techniques to express my ideas.
What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
My advice to aspiring artists is to connect with their interior, with their needs, and what they want to express. I also advise them to practice a lot, to draw or paint even if they don't feel like it.
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