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Evgeniya Mishchenko

She was born and lives in St. Petersburg. Mishchenko belongs to 2% of people who have associated themselves with the Protestant denomination. In 1991, she graduated from the Parish Missionary Lyceum, served in the church in Chisinau, in the local churches of St. Petersburg, and led a dance ministry. In 2016, she took up prose writing activities, and by 2020, having plunged into the world of the European Middle and the Baroque Ages, during a forced stay at home at the start of the Covid19 pandemic, she began to paint iconographic images.

Artist: Evgeniya Mishchenko

Based in Saint Petersburg, Russia




Culturally Arts Collective features:

"Hidden Eyes", April 18-May 27 2022, Milostka Center for Exhibitions 

What do you aim to say by the themes in your art?
I am fascinated about the fact that I am the heir of the results of the activities of many generations before me, and I see the synthesis of such valuable relics as faith and root traditions with a fleeting today's event as an important task for me.
Where does your inspiration come from?
It comes from movement. Symphonic music, art, musical theater are the main stimuli of movement in me.
Do you have experiences that impacted your art?
I never left painting, but the most powerful recent impulse to move on to painting icons was the period of collecting information for the novel. Some of the images that emerged did not require development and seemed complete in their two-dimensional view.
Do you feel your art challenges existing barriers?
Excuse me, the very expression "to challenge" sounds like a literary cliché to me, but I'm sure that art is always daring, and it is always designed to expand the boundaries of the familiar.
What are your long-term artistic goals? 
I have several projects that I dream of implementing, because I believe that my vision will make our world richer and more diverse. but I am aware that this is an endless story, because I continue to think in terms of art.
What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
We say impudence - the second happiness. We need to think less about ourselves, as it seems to me, otherwise it is difficult to see the most important task. and Without it I do not understand what can be achieved in art.
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