
Based in Brazil
What do you aim to say by the themes in your art?
I want to show the beauty of waters, rivers, seas and oceans through a little-explored technique, which is epoxy resin, emphasizing research, where science and art meet,
generating a new renaissance of the arts, focusing on its durability, hardness, . In addition to upgrading this material, raising it to an Art level, this will cause it to be used not
only in industrial and office floors, but as a versatile product that can be used for various applications, such as in manufacturing from furniture as glue and finish, to
waterproofing, as adhesive and surface reconstruction, and then as flooring.
Where does your inspiration come from?
I live in a region with many rivers and water sources, the Guarani aquifer, for example, crosses under the land of my house. This Aquifer consists of an underground
freshwater reservoir, being considered the second largest in the world and most of it, around 70%, extends to Brazilian states, such as Mato Grosso where I live, Mato Grosso
do sul, São Paulo , Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. For this and many other reasons I feel involved with the waters that surround me, whether by the Red
River that cuts my city in half or the Arareal River that insists on staying alive in the urban region of my city. From another perspective, I observe the satellite images that show
the cartography of the land too much, and this led me to always create the images from a higher perspective, closer or more distant, which modifies the traditional angle in a
2D work.
Do you have any experiences that have impacted your art?
Yes, after 4 years researching Epoxy Resin, I notice that the material has transformed my way of working and added more visual beauty to the artwork. Public
acceptance is spectacular and sales are up 30% compared to previous years. This experience mixed with research, made me create new perspectives in Arts that before, in my 27-year career, had never been contemplated.
Do you feel your art challenges existing barriers?
Certainly, the art developed with epoxy resin defies the patterns and materials used in paintings on canvas, and this causes discomfort, especially for lovers of academicism or
the modern arts of the early 20th century, who were created with traditional materials such as paint. oil and later, acrylic paint.
What are your long-term artistic goals?
I want to develop other techniques, with resin and also other materials, which are now part of my research, including the creation of sculptures and 3D objects, in urban
places, as well as in desert places, forests, forests, etc. Directing to new technologies capable of giving a long life to works developed in Studio and exposed in unimaginable
What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
Seek new opportunities, new airs, new materials, experiment, experience and create your strength, your imaginal records, your artistic personality. Expose your creations, use
Social Media and the various platforms, as a whole, shout and let yourself be seen. There is no other way but to stick your face in and look for a different place under that sun.