Старейший город Северной Америки
Режиссер фильма: Дани М.
Базируется в Ньюфаундленде и Лабрадоре, Канада
Дневники из страны чудес прибрежного города, расположенного за предел ами ваших самых смелых мечтаний в далекой стране ... Канада
Rolling Hills, 20 cm x 15 cm
15 cm x 17 cm
15 cm x 17 cm
Red Field
15 cm x 17 cm
Blue Hills
15 cm x 17 cm
15 cm x 17 cm
Teresa Letizia Bonta was born in Licata Agrigento ni 1981. She approached the world of photography [at a] very young [age; she is] self-taught. The first subject that stimulated her was certainly her environment: the artistic and landscape beauties of her country. [Her]... favorite themes include] people, the woman, the surrounding reality, but above all, social themes... Hers is a profound introspective workmade of visions, but above all, of research and spiritual evolution; the artist enters the bowels to find the answers to her visions.
Teresa Letizia Bonta was born in Licata Agrigento ni 1981. She approached the world of photography [at a] very young [age; she is] self-taught. The first subject that stimulated her was certainly her environment: the artistic and landscape beauties of her country. [Her]... favorite themes include] people, the woman, the surrounding reality, but above all, social themes.