Intro To Relief Printmaking
вс, 08 нояб.
Want to learn a new, fun, and easy form of art? Learn relief printing, a method of printmaking, and create your own personalized stamp. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced artist, join Rosemary Esquivel to learn the basics of relief print and develop a new skill!

Time & Location
08 нояб. 2020 г., 14:00 – 15:00 GMT-5
About the Event
Join artist Rosemary Esquivel to your own personalized stamp through relief print. Rosemary will go over what relief printing is, how it works, the basic tools, materials, and techniques in this introductory class. After this class, you’ll have the basic knowledge to continue your journey into printmaking!
RECCOMENDED MATERIALS: Alternative Material Speedy-Carve or a Linoleum Block (choose your own size, but smaller is recommend)/ Styrofoam Plate Carving Tool/Pencil Permanent Marker Brayer Baren/ Large Spoon Glass Pane/ Cookie Sheet Printing Ink/ Tempera Paint Paper
Instructor Biography: Rosemary Esquivel is an artist based in Corpus Christi, Texas. She is in her first year at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi studying Childhood Development and hopes to become an art teacher. Rosemary explores ideas of identity through surrealistic images and color, specializing in printmaking, oil, and gouache.
Workshop Entry
This is your workshop entry ticket. Each participant must individually register on our website at in order to receive the Zoom code. The meeting ID will be sent via email after registration is complete.
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