Christmas From Mexico: A Ballet Concert
sáb, 11 dic
Experience the magic of dance this Christmas through the Puebla Company of Dance's live streamed ballet performance. "Xmas from Mexico" features ballet and folkloric in an adaptation of Mexican holiday traditions. Virtually immerse yourself in global cultures, and support youth arts education!

Time & Location
11 dic 2021, 13:30 – 15:00 GMT-5
About the Event
Missed the magic of a show live on stage? Look no further! Support the arts his holiday season by immersing yourself in a professional production Christmas dance concert. *THIS IS A VIRTUAL EVENT VIA ZOOM! JOIN US VIRTUALLY FROM AROUND THE WORLD! THE SHOW IS A LIVE STREAM OF THE IN-PERSON STAGE PERFORMANCE LIVE FROM PUEBLA, MEXICO.
"X-MAS FROM MEXICO" Performance Synopsis:
Lupita is very sad because she is alone, she is a poor girl and lives in the streets of Mexico City…she is homeless. Christmas….she does not understand why people celebrate all that. She has no idea what it means to see so much color, so much abundance in both food and gifts.
On the eve of Christmas, the spirit of the past manifests itself to Lupita to show her the traditions, how they were and how they should prevail over time.
The spirit of Christmas present is responsible for showing Lupita how people have changed traditions and focus more on the material. It teaches you what really matters, it teaches you a lesson in the true meaning of Christmas.
When the spirit of the future appears to Lupita, Lupita sees herself grown up. Trying to enforce the traditions that the spirit of the past showed her, so as not to have to live Christmas as the spirit of the present taught her and all of us.
Choreography Cultural and Historical Significance:
Mexico is a country full of art and culture, its colors, its people and its tradition for the Christmas season.
Mexican company of Puebla dance in its first year has prepared an adaptation of the most representative of our culture. Ballet and Mexican Folk Dance are the two aspects that you will be able to appreciate in this staging.
It all starts on December 12, the day of the Virgin Mary (Mother of God), we are mostly believers and walks or bicycles are always organized to visit the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico city. People from all over the country make these pilgrimages and adorations regardless of the number of kilometers to travel. The RAMADA is a typical Mexican dance originating from Veracruz (Gulf of Mexico) and symbolizes the decoration of the Christmas tree full of wishes with each of the ribbons, spheres and ornaments. Posadas are popular festivals that have also expanded beyond Mexico: in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama, during the nine days before Christmas, that is, from December 16 to 24. These festivals remind people of the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph from their departure from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where they look for a place to stay and await the birth of the baby Jesus. December 24 is known as NOCHEBUENA and is the moment of the Birth of the child Jesus. We are used to symbolically lulling a baby (it can be a figure or a doll) to whom we give thanks for being born and for his arrival in the world. December 25 is Christmas (Xmas), unlike in many countries, in Mexico it is customary to dine abundantly with the family, lull the baby Jesus and then open the gifts. For the 25th we do the reheating, which is nothing more than finishing eating the food that with a lot of love, patience and determination they prepared for this holiday. Between Christmas and New Years, we seek to help those who have the least, this not only happens in Mexico, it is a global problem. So we try to generate awareness of it and share food and benefits with the most needy people. New Year, it has a very emotional meaning, like everyone else. It is time to close a cycle, to start a new one, and we have traditions about it as well. You must eat 12 raisins and 12 grapes, the raisins mean the year that has ended, the grapes the 12 months of the year that is beginning. Many people believe that to go on a trip, they must go out at 12 o'clock at night with a suitcase to walk around their block so it means you will travel a lot, sweep outside to ward off bad energy among others, if you ever have the opportunity to spend this season in Mexico you definitely have to. On January 5, the wise men arrive, tonight they buy a rosca de reyes which has hidden dolls in the shape of the child Jesus, who cut a piece of rose and get a little doll, should buy the typical tamales for all present in February of the same year, Candlemas Day. Beyond "paying for the tamales" if you get the baby Jesus doll it means that you will be pleasantly blessed during the year.
Principal Dancers: (For a complete cast list, visit the program attached to your tickets emailed after registration)
Zoe Sampedro - Young Lupita
Giovanna Goncor - Spirit of the present xmas
Annette Nevares - Spirit of future xmas
Danae Buendia - Spirit of past xmas
Nahomi Valencia - Grown Lupita
Culturally Arts Collective, a US-based international arts advocacy non-profit, is proud to support international arts advocacy as a sponsorship partner to Compañia Mexicana de la Danza Puebla.
All choreography, set design, costuming, and music score rights are reserved exclusively to CMDP. Any unauthoirzed use or distribution is strictly prohibited.
A special thank you to Carlos Lira, CMDP Livestream Technical Director and stage crew for making this broadcast possible. Additionally, a special thank you to Culturally Arts Collective's member Mrs. Edith S. of Coltex Inc. for your philantrophic contributions to the arts, which make our international arts advocacy efforts possible.
30 minutosInterviews with the Puebla Company of Dance's Artistic Director and Ballet Mistress
1 hora"X-MAS From Mexico" Performance Virtual Via Zoom (Livestream of in-person stage performance)
Webinar Entry (1 per person)
This is your virtual Zoom event entry ticket. Each attendee/device user must register separately in order to receive the Zoom code. The Zoom URL link can be found on the PDF TICKET that is emailed right after registration to the email you provide at the time of registration. There will also be a separate reminder email sent 3 days before the event also containing the link. Each person is limited to reserve 1 ticket IN THEIR NAME. Event capacity: 500 devices
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